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About Us and Our Laser

When you put your trust in AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare, you can be sure you’re getting the benefit of a comprehensive array of state-of-the-art lasers and complementary treatment options.

Your skin’s health is much too important to entrust to anybody other than highly qualified medical aesthetic specialists. Those who are well-equipped with the entire range of laser treatment devices required to assure a beautiful outcome with the least amount of downtime and risk.

We work with your body’s own physiology to transform your skin from the inside out. We believe that using your own natural physiology to “regenerate” your skin so that it is young, healthy, and strong on the inside is the most effective way to give you fabulous-looking skin on the outside. It’s what distinguishes our multi-modality protocols. And our patients are overjoyed with their gorgeous, healthy new skin!

Our expertise is dedicated to “rebirthing” your skin.

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Watch the video : Take a Tour of our Laser Skincare Division with Dr. Asher Milgrom

Alignment of Mind and Heart

The purpose of our consultations.

The primary purpose and design of our physiology is: A full engagement in life.…. and when we are sick, engagement has “come off the rails”… and while our mind may concoct all sorts of stories to protect our fragile egos from embracing our vulnerability, our heart knows the truth.

Most importantly before the patient’s first treatment, it is imperative that we ensure that the patient has been able to create an “alignment between mind and heart”, which we believe is critical before one involves the body.

Alice S. Pien, MD Medical Director

Dr. Pien is a physician whose philosophy of healing combines the best of allopathic teaching with holistic and alternative modalities.

After graduating Cum Laude in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Buffalo University, School of Pharmacy, Dr. Pien received her medical degree from SUNY Buffalo, School of Medicine. Following her residency at UCI Medical Center, she served as the clinical director of Emergency Department at Western Medical Center in Pediatric Trauma.

She was actively involved in the instructions of family residents in the area of Pediatric emergency care at WMC for 8 years. Later she spent 5 years in private practice in Orange County California. Read more

Alice Pien, MD – Medical Director of AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare

Asher Milgrom, PhD -AMA Regenerative Medicine and Skincare's CEO and Chief Scientist

Asher Milgrom, PhD – AMA Skincare’s CEO and Chief Scientist

Through training in advanced alternative fields he continues to expand his expertise in laser medicine, metabolic medicine, naturopathy, integrative and regenerative medicine.

Asher, the youngest of four siblings, was born in Virginia to Josephine, a theology of art professor, and Jacob, a rabbi and world-renowned Bible scholar.

Asher, the youngest of four siblings, was born in Virginia to Josephine, a theology of art professor, and Jacob, a rabbi and world-renowned Bible scholar. His childhood was steeped in Jewish life, traditions and teachings, and his home was a veritable crossroads for some of the greatest scholars and thinkers of the 20th century, from clergy of all cloths to existential philosophers and particle physicists. Read more

Our Medical Philosophy

Our entire medical philosophy begins with an astonished appreciation for the sheer genius and wonder of human physiology within the even greater miracle and mystery of life itself.

Our entire medical philosophy revolves around pure astonishment for the sheer genius and wonder of human physiology inside the even greater miracle and mystery of existence itself.

For us as scientists and clinicians, the more we learn about the complexities of how biological life operates, the more we are awed by the knowledge that we are, as Einstein put it, “touching the mind of God.”

Alice Pien, MD and Asher Milgrom, PhD – Founders of AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare

Our Place in the World

We recognize God’s unfathomable design in human physiology, and we acknowledge our sacred privilege to engage with people on the sacred, miraculous platform.

We are often contacted and queried about our expansion plans.

Alice Pien, MD administering a therapeutic protocol designed to restore the physiological and functional vitality of organ systems by working holistically with the natural mechanisms inherent in the purposeful design of human physiology.