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Laser Scar Removal and Reduction

Laser treatment for the removal of scars on the face and body demands the delicate and artful use of our multiple-modality protocols.

A. Typically we combine modalities for superior results. Your customized protocol will include a combination of micro-needling and laser treatments. Though lasers and mirco-needling are both effective therapies when used separately, the physiological response of your skin in remodeling your scar is far greater when combined. Of course ‘how’ to combine them is quite a trick, and is both a science and art. To that end we have dedicated the past 20+ years in exploring and developing the science and art of “multiple modality therapies”, and have become quite masterful therein.

A. Dog bites are more common than one would think. We have treated many such scars at our clinics.

There are several different modalities that can make a huge difference in the appearance of dog bite scars. To help the body remodel the scar tissue into healthy collagen we use ozone injections combined with “subcision”.

To stimulate the regeneration of healthy skin we use various laser technologies. In cases where there is a lot of soft tissue loss, we stimulate the regeneration of healthy new tissue with the use of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. Using this type of multiple modality scar removal protocol can produce results that are absolutely spectacular.

A. Yes they can! We have had patients with multiple cigarette burns on various parts of their body that we have successfully treated.

To clarify, the treatments do not “remove” the scars. The scars are healed and remodeled by the skin’s own regenerative capacity. Our laser scar removal protocols are designed to interact with your physiology and accelerate the natural regenerative process. That is why our scar removal protocols work so well.

A. The development of keloided or hyper-trophic scars following a surgical procedure is very common. We have many patients that come to us after they have had surgery. Yes, this procedure will work for your scar! We will develop a laser scar removal protocol that is precisely customized for your scar and skin.
A. Not only are the lips functional marvels, needed for eating, speech, expression and of course kissing, they are the central focus of beauty on a person’s face. Wow! Yes! We can treat scars on the lips. The treatment is very gradual and gentle.
A. We make sure the skin is well anesthetized (we have various ways of ensuring this depending on the patient) prior to any laser treatment. This ensures that both during and after treatment the patient is comfortable.

A. You would think so.. and typically younger/newer scars on a given person do respond better and faster than older scars on the same person.

However, you can’t make that exact comparison between different people.  Because some people with older scars will be more responsive than younger people with younger scars!

Bottom line, the ability to physiologically remodel scars depends on:

  1. What caused the scar
  2. Where on the body the scar is
  3. The age of the scar
  4. The age of the person
  5. Most importantly:  The physiological responsiveness of the patient.

Given all the above, you can probably understand better why it is so important to customize the treatment protocol for each patient and every scar.  We treat and observe, modify and observe, in order to engineer with our 25 different lasers, the most effective protocol for every scar.

A. Kenalog injections are the most widely used treatments for deflating a keloid scar. It is safe and very effective. However, if too much is injected, too much deflation can occur. That is why it is important to be sure that your doctor has the experience necessary to inject just the right amount. As in all our protocols, we take a deliberately judicious and relaxed view of arriving at the exact “sweet spot” in all of our injection therapies. By this I mean that we deliberately inject very conservatively in order to avoid injecting too much. This often means that we need to schedule additional visits with a particular patient for further injections. To date, in 14 years and many thousands of injections we have “landed softly” every time.

A. Unfortunately, ingesting collagen doesn’t do much. Your skin must create its own collagen from the beginning in order to manufacture new collagen. Any collagen you consume, from whatever source, is a complex protein matrix that your digestive system first breaks down into its building block components known as amino acids. Your body will then employ those amino acids to create new proteins, which may be cartilage or collagen, among other things. Simply ensure that your food is nutritious and contains all of the necessary amino acids. Aside from that, there are a few extremely good retail items with a perfectly balanced assortment of natural amino acids.

The scar removal techniques are all tailored to the type of scar we’re dealing with. Scar remodeling….. is what we term them since we stimulate your natural physiology to redesign the scar and rebuild healthy new skin.

A. A dark scar will almost always have a tendency to turn dark again, even after complete resolution. The body does this to defend itself from the sun or other potentially damaging elements. In this sense, our bodies are extremely intelligent and efficient. Because of its natural inclination to darken, you may need to keep the region covered with sunscreen and/or physical block (such as clothing) after treatments. If this occurs, a touch-up will be required.

Learn More About Our Laser Treatments

Everything on our website comes from from reputable publications, books and scientific journals, most of which are available on PubMed and other government websites. These include Meta-Analysis’, Randomized Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Books and Documents. We encourage you to read the science, in order to separate fact from fiction, so that you can arrive at a full understanding of what is best for your skin. We would be honored to be a part of that educational journey with you.
  1. Chowdhury B, Kassir M, Salas-Alanis J, Nistico S, Galadari H, Fritz K, Salavastru C, Blicharz L, Goldust M. Laser in surgical scar clearance: An update review. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021 Dec;20(12):3808-3811. doi: 10.1111/jocd.14325. Epub 2021 Jul 14. PMID: 34213802.
  2. Radmanesh M, Mehramiri S, Radmanesh R. Fractional CO2 laser is as effective as pulsed dye laser for the treatment of hypertrophic scars. J Dermatolog Treat. 2021 Sep;32(6):576-579. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2019.1687821. Epub 2019 Nov 25. PMID: 31697183.
  3. Gauglitz GG, Pötschke J, Clementoni MT. Laser und Narben [Therapy of scars with lasers]. Hautarzt. 2018 Jan;69(1):17-26. German. doi: 10.1007/s00105-017-4072-7. PMID: 29116332.
  4. Khatri KA, Mahoney DL, McCartney MJ. Laser scar revision: A review. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2011 Apr;13(2):54-62. doi: 10.3109/14764172.2011.564625. PMID: 21401378.
  5. Elsaie ML, Choudhary S, McLeod M, Nouri K. Scars. Curr Probl Dermatol. 2011;42:131-139. doi: 10.1159/000328274. Epub 2011 Aug 16. PMID: 21865805.
  6. Khansa I, Harrison B, Janis JE. Evidence-Based Scar Management: How to Improve Results with Technique and Technology. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Sep;138(3 Suppl):165S-178S. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000002647. PMID: 27556757.